About us

“I pledge to the path. I shall not let the light of fate burn out”

The Platohedron Foundation aims to increase the awareness of mental disorders such as ADD, ADHD, and Asperger’s Syndrome in young adults 18 years of age and older, and deliver solutions that promote the integration of these marginalized individuals into society to increase their social and professional opportunities and offer them a fair chance at social participation.

We’re here to help you to overcome obstacles. We invite you being open to new ideas, viewing each day as an opportunity, and be open to experimenting to reach the goals you would like to achieve.   The more mastery you feel over your life the more satisfied and at ease you become.  What’s more, you build resilience against the effects of anxiety, stress and other psychological traumas.

We provide a discussion forum, where members communicate with each other, an article section, with exclusive articles and how-to guides, a blogging feature, and more.